Blogger Ron Brinkmann uses a water bottle as the DIY stand for his laptop . Yes it is true he does not want spend much money for his DIY stand he uses a hot water bottle stand which costs just 6$ .
Water-cooled laptop standAccording to him :
"buy a hot water bottle and fill it up with tap water at normal room temperature and insert strategically between your lap and laptop . Thats it, acts as a nice heat-sink, and as a bonus it probably blocks a fair bit of the dangerous 'electronic rays' that are shooting out of the bottom of the computer straight at your important bits"

that this water bottle trick even works great on the table also just lean your laptop on the water bottle and the rubber surface grips the table and keeps your propped up laptop in place. Nothing beats this cheap and easy to use water bottle, and the cooling effect of the water bottle means from now no more laps burning.